Saturday 19 January 2013

The Human Back By GM-Fitness


The human back is the large posterior area of the human body, rising from the top of the buttocks to the back of the neck and the shoulders. It is the surface opposite to the chest, its height being defined by the vertebral column (commonly referred to as the spine or backbone) and its breadth being supported by the ribcage and shoulders. The spinal canal runs through the spine and provides nerves to the rest of the body.

The Spine along with other bones and muscles provide strong support for the trunk , But at the same time allows the back to flex , extend, and turn.

Vertebral Column

The Human spine is made up of 26 bones called vertebrae...7 cervical vertebra support the head.
12 Thoracic Vertebrae form joints with the ribs.
5 bulky lumbae vertebrae bear most of the weight. The sacrum connects the spine to the pelvic girdle.While the coccyx consists of four small fussed vertebrae.

From The Top






Guys your spine, pelvic girdle , ribs and shoulder blades form the framework of your skeleton.

Lets Talk Back Muscles

Back muscles are divided into two specific groups: the extrinsic muscles that are associated with upper extremity and shoulder movement, and the intrinsic muscles that deal with movements of the vertebral column. Several small muscles in the cervical area of the vertebral column are also important.

The extrinsic muscles

Superficial extrinsic muscles connect your upper extremities to the trunk, and they form the V-shaped musculature associated with the middle and upper back. They include the trapezius, latissimus dorsi, levator scapulae, and the rhomboids. Intermediate extrinsic muscles include the serratus posterior superior and inferior. Most of their function is involved with respiration.

The intrinsic muscles

Intrinsic muscles, which stretch all the way from the pelvis to the cranium, help to maintain your posture and move the vertebral column. They’re divided into three groups: the superficial layer, the intermediate layer, and the deep layer. The muscles in all of the layers are innervated by the posterior rami of spinal nerves:

Injuries of the intrinsic back muscles often occur while using improper lifting technique. You can protect the back muscles by bending from the hip and knee when you lift objects from the ground.

Exercises To work your Back

1. Lat Row Pulls

The latissimus dorsi are the large back muscle group that is located below your arms. They are like a muscular set of wings and are referred to as "lats." Lat row pulls are done by bending forward 90 degrees at the waist. Slightly bend the knees. Grab either a single bar or dumbbells with your choice of weight and pull up toward your chest. Bring your elbows as far back as they can go, keeping your neck and torso straight. If using a bar, touching it to your chest is okay. If using dumbbells, you can enhance the lift by twisting inward as you lift and then twist back to the way you started on the way down. Don't let any weight touch the ground during this exercise.

2. Lower Back Flies

Lie on your stomach. Put your palms over your ears and lift your chest as high as it can go bending at your lower back. To intensify this exercise, lift the legs at the same time and extend your arms as if you are flying.

3. Tri-Trap Push

Choose a dumbbell with a challenging weight. Bend your elbows and hold the dumbbell with two hands on one end at the back of your head. Let the other end hang. Push the dumbbell up over your head, opening your arms into a full extension. Drop back down to the first position and repeat. This will work your triceps and trapezius (upper back) muscles.

4. Pull Ups

These are one of the hardest and most successful upper back exercises. Grab a chin up bar with your palms facing forward or facing you. When you pull yourself up, cross your feet over one another to prevent swinging. This will work the rhomboids and lats. Enhance your pull ups by holding your position at the top and then dropping slowly down before pulling up again.

5. Push Ups

Push ups may be considered a chest exercise, but the back muscle groups are worked when doing them as well. Start with your hands shoulder width apart with your legs extended and your knees locked. Be sure not to arch your back, and bring your chest down within an inch or two of the floor. Enhance your push ups by putting weights on your back or having someone create resistance as you rise. You can also experiment by moving your hands closer together or further apart.

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